Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Today we babysat for baby Caroline, who is now 20 months old. The cats entertain her. And she entertains the cats by reading to them. Whenever I take a picture of her, she asks to see "the baby." Today I was showing her the pictures on my iPhone when she began to use her index finger to scroll through them. She even pushed the arrow to start videos over and over again. At one point, she used her finger and thumb to enlarge the picture. She knows more about the iPhone than I do, thanks to her grandfather. With the iPhone, I can turn the camera around so Caroline can see herself. She must have taken 30 pictures of herself and some video too. She played peekaboo with herself on the iPhone. I'll try to load it.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

She's so cute. I always cheer, yea baby Caroline. I want her to stay that size forever. Thanks for sharing.

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