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I picked up this book after hearing about it on NPR: The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman..

Lloyd shoves off the bedcovers and hurries to the front door in white underwear and black socks. He steadies himself on the knob and shuts his eyes. Chill air rushes under the door; he curls his toes. But the hallway is silent. Only high-heeled clicks from the floor above. A shutter squeaking on the other side of the couryard. His own breath, whistling in his nostrils, whistling out.
Faintly, a woman's voice drifts in. He clenches his eyelids tighter, as if to drive up the volume, but makes out only murmurs, a breakfast exchange between the woman and the man in the apartment across the hall. Until, abruptly, their door opens: her voice grows louder, the hallway floorboards creak -- she is approaching. Lloyd hustles back, unlatches the window above the couryard, and takes up a position there, gazing out over his corner of Paris.
She taps on his front door.
According to the book jacket, this book is "set against the gorgeous backdrop of Rome" and follows the staff of an international newspaper as they try to keep the newspaper alive. As a former journalist who loves to travel in Europe, this book should be perfect for me. So far, it's kind of depressing because the character Lloyd is 70, his wife sleeps with the man across the hall, he has no relationship with his daughter or son and he is broke, but I hope it improves.
What do you think? Would you keep reading?
Just reading the intro, I was intrigued. Not sure I would continue after reading the summary of the novel.
um...not after reading the summary.
Loved this phrase...his corner of Paris....
I heard about the book on NPR and added it to my wish list, too! The opening is intriguing... I'd keep going.
Not sure about this one but I am a bit curious, and....I have it on my Kindle, so i am sure at some point I'll give it a try. Hope u end up loving it.
I'd keep reading just to see what he has to say about Paris.
Okay, I stopped reading when he had a news tip from his son and made up sources and supporting information so he could earn some money. Maybe I'm naive, but, as a former reporter, I can't imagine ever making up information for a story.
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