We celebrated pseudo father's day last week and I gave Earl a new laptop computer for Father's day and our anniversary, which is this week. He probably doesn't enjoy being home alone as much as I would, but Spencer will be back from basketball camp later today. I'm sure he'll remember to wish Earl a happy father's day.
And, happy father's day to my dad, who is currently floating in the pool on a blue raft.
Grace, Tucker and I sped down to Florida on Friday. We have to be home on Wednesday, but we got to be here on Father's Day.
My brother Kevin and his family are here too. We both got my dad a box of yellow Bridgestone golf balls as a gift. He'll use them all eventually.
We made a big breakfast this morning, harkening back to Mom and Dad's southern roots. Sausage and bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits and milk gravy. Good thing I went for a run and a swim this morning before breakfast.
But the best gift is getting to be all together -- well, that and getting to hang out at the pool and do nothing.
Right Back At Cha!
To whom it may concern; Lots of good dad stories in the local Dispatch this weekend, under a variety of sections.
Sometimes I forget that Todd's Dad is still alive too!!! Horrible aren't I. It's just they live such active lives and are always travelling. we did wish him HFD yesterday when we returned home from the baseball tournament...he's coming out to see Marina's game tonight!
Sounds like a great day.
At our house, the kids and I took Jeff kayaking on the Big Darby Creek for Father's Day. With all the rain of late, it was a pretty awesome day to be on the river. We only had to rescue one child whose kayak capsized in some turbulent water. Another child had issues with giant spiders falling on him from overhead trees. Ah, nature!
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