Sunday, April 05, 2015

Dreaming of France -- Anticipation

Please join this weekly meme. Grab a copy of the photo above and link back to An Accidental Blog. Share with the rest of us your passion for France. Did you read a good book set in France? See a movie? Take a photo in France? Have an adventure? Eat a fabulous meal or even just a pastry? Or if you're in France now, go ahead and lord it over the rest of us. We can take it.
Studies have shown that anticipating vacation can be as fulfilling as the vacation itself.
As I was anticipating vacation a few weeks ago, Expedia helped me remember each step. I have an Expedia app on my phone. I made plane and hotel reservations through Expedia, so when I wanted to see my vacation plans, all I had to do was click on the app.

As you can see from the screenshot, one click on the app and I could see my flight schedule, the hotel where we would stay in Aix en Provence and the day we picked up our rental car. I could click on each even for more detailed information. 

And this screenshot includes the information about our Paris hotel  too. 
Each time I thought about our trip, I could glance at the app and the anticipation would sore again. 
I wouldn't say that the anticipation was better than the trip, but it sure was nice to know that my vacation was on its way.
How bout you? Do you enjoy the anticipation as much as the vacation?
Please leave a comment below and visit each other's blog to see what everyone else if dreaming. 


Sim Carter said...

Wow! Awesome app! I've got Tom Hardy speaking French in the French-dubbed trailer to Child 44, that's kind of awesome too.

Leovi said...

Wonderful app! Yes, I too like to plan my travels well and begin to collect information of places ahead!

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Sounds like the perfect app for keeping travel plans straight. Sorry I didn't post anything this week...I was away for the weekend. Hope you & your family had a nice Easter.

Esme said...

this looks like fun-are you excited.

Esme said...

this looks like fun-are you excited.

Louise said...

I do enjoy the anticipation very much - I wish I had some right now. It's very exciting of course, but never quite the thrill of being there. Breakfasts aren't as good for instance, or the champagne, or the views. I haven't seen this app before, it will be nice to have a trip to look forward to again sometime (it will be some time unless that elusive lottery win comes up).

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