Sunday, January 05, 2014

Dreaming of France -- Frenchmen

Please join this weekly meme. Grab a copy of the photo above and link back to An Accidental Blog. Share with the rest of us your passion for France. Did you read a good book set in France? See a movie? Take a photo in France? Have an adventure? Eat a fabulous meal or even just a pastry? Or if you're in France now, go ahead and lord it over the rest of us. We can take it.
In honor of The Bachelor that starts a new season tonight, with an attractive Latin man, I thought we could dream about French men.
What is so appealing about Frenchmen?
I know they're sexy, but it's hard for me to pin down what exactly the draw is. I had a crush on a Frenchman once. Grrrr.
He was sensual and nonchalant and so exacting, telling me exactly what to eat and how. I modeled one of the characters in my latest novel after him, taken to the extreme of course. I used to fantasize what my life would be like if I married a Frenchman and moved to France. I know I love France, but I'm not sure I could have built a life with that French man. (And, of course, I'm married to a sexy American of my own now.)
Looking through my photos, I haven't taken a lot of pictures of French men.
Here are some cowboys in the Camargue.
Cowboys are always sexy.
And here's a guy on the Metro.
Reading is sexy too. 
What do you think? Do French men have that certain je ne sais quoi?


Esme said...

I would have to say Italian men.

Linda said...

Since I married a Frenchman, I agree. I think they look at life and living differently, especially eating and drinking.

Louise said...

I think we've all had that dream at some stage. Fabulous post today Paulita. I think your Metro man is gorgeous because of his fabulous french scarf tying abilities

Diane said...

Some Frenchmen are incredibly sexy, but as with any country you will find some that are very definitely not! When I was here alone before my husband retired and joined me full time; I found it very amusing how attentive the male population was. I think I miss them now but as I have a great husband I guess I cannot complain :-)) Diane

Alexa said...

What Louise said. :~} But you're right on both counts.

Lucia said...

no, only if they are Kevin Kline in FRENCH KISS. Then YES.

Joy said...

I love the way French men wear scarves. My husband bought one, but he hasn't worn it except in Paris.

Joy's Book Blog

Leovi said...

Very beautiful pictures, wonderful cowboys on horseback!

Jacqui Brown said...

Thanks Paulita, my book review and giveaway is a delicious chick lit set in Paris and Lyon with lots of chocolate!

Lucia said...

lots of chocolate, I'll take it.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

What is it about Frenchmen? I am not sure, but I know there is something.

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