Sunday, July 01, 2012

French and Strong Constitutions

Somewhere, in the many blogs I stop by, someone was planning to focus on France and all things French for July. I can't find it right now, but I'll link to it once I find it again. Okay, I found it and it's called Paris in July, as Esme from Chocolates & Croissants pointed out.  And Paris in July is sponsored the Thyme for Tea and Bookbath. Do you think that since it's Paris rather than France I'll have to narrow my focus? Nah, I'll just stick to France.
You know I'm in for focusing on France in July, or any other month, although I may get distracted by things like my kids or sports or teaching.
I thought I'd start with a photo I love from our friends' apartment in Nantes.

Our friends live on the top floor, which allows for gorgeous views of the cathedral on one side and the castle on the other. And guess what? Their building does not have an elevator. They walk this circular flight to the top floor (5 floors, I think) everyday, several times a day. They don't complain. It is probably what keeps them so healthy.
When Earl and I watch House Hunters International, we always scoff at the American couples who refuse to buy a place without an elevator.
I don't want you to feel like you walked up this winding staircase for no reason, so here's a shot of the sunset out one of the windows.

 Happy France month.

P.S. I have electricity back, but still no Internet service.


Eugenia O'Neal said...

I love House Hunters International!!! I watch the American one, too but I like to see people in England, New Zealand, etc.

Great pix!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow! That is some staircase...and I love the idea of a French month!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Esme said...

I love the winding French staircases.

The meme you are looking for is Paris in July-I am just not sure who is hosting it.

Linda said...

Our apartment building had no elevator and we climbed the stairs to the 3rd floor (4th if your an American) for 7 years before we moved to a building with an elevator. It is such a pleasure to have it for groceries and luggage. Not as romantic of course, but as you get older, it's wonderful.

Just Me said...

Nice and thank you for the rooftop view really love that !

I have to admit to being one of those future tourists that wonder about the hotels with no elevator
AND hallways too narrow for us fluffy Americans and all our luggage.


Hey...interested in a morning run on the 4th ? Let me know

Lucia said...

Very nice. And nice that you have electricity.

Esme said...

Glad I could help. I am always discovering something on the web and then never remembering where it was.

Louise said...

I love the staircases of Paris, and France. I'm sure all those stairs do keep you healthy.

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...