Friday, August 22, 2008

High-Class Strippers

I was reading the sports page the other day, getting a fix of all the latest Olympic news, when I saw a small ad at the bottom of the page -- a closeup of a blond woman's face. Her lips looked sensual, her eyes half closed. An ad for a strip joint. That's not what they call them, of course. They advertise "private modeling" or "adult entertainment." Under the woman's picture was her name -- Claudia Monet.
I cracked up and nudged my husband. "Look."
That's for the upper crust guys who want culture and hot babes stripping, he figured.
Because, really, what art afficiando is going to be lured in by a blonde named Claudia Monet?


Anonymous said...

I really, really want to take the pun here. But it's just not coming to me. Water lillies? Nothing. Impressionism? Not going anywhere. Isn't a stripper's name supposed to inspire a string of dirty puns?


Anna Schafer said...

When you wear something that you know you look great in, you have more confidence, you act differently, you become as good as the image you hold of yourself.New York strippers

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...