Here's a new weekly France meme. Please join in. Grab a copy of the photo above
and link back to An Accidental Blog. Share with the rest of us your passion for France. Did
you read a good book set in France? See a movie? Take a photo in France? Have an
adventure? Eat a fabulous meal or even just a pastry? Or if you're in France
now, go ahead and lord it over the rest of us. We can take it
Maybe we can
all satisfy our yearnings for France, until we get there again.Last week my 20-year-old daughter was home from college for the week. I realized that she was missing some vital information from her education. She had never seen the movie Chocolat.
It has been a long time since I'd seen the movie and even longer since I've read the book. What I remembered about the movie was a woman and her daughter move to a French village and start a chocolate shop. I also remember Johnny Depp was especially luscious. This was still true, but I noticed so much more.
The movie opened on an empty-looking French village with gray stone buildings and cobblestone streets. People poured into a cold stone church while a woman and her little girl in red capes and hoods arrived in town along with a brisk wind. They brought change with them.
What caught my attention this time was the chocolate as it was poured from a pitcher into a cup, or as it was stirred in a big pot, or as the actors bit into each piece of chocolate. The chocolate seemed like the star of the movie -- decadent and sensual.

And maybe because I'm older, or mabye because Johnny Depp has received so much more exposure, he didn't wow me this time in Chocolat.
I'm reading one of the sequels to Chocolat right now, Peaches for Father Francis, and I'm curious about the differences between the book Chocolat and the movie. I may need to read it again.
If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, give them a try.
J'adore the new picture! Gotta go back and redo my post - I'll be back at midnight!
Okay I'm back with my own Dreaming of France post on the Les Miz screening and Q and A. I changed to your new graphic which is stunning.
I haven't read the book; I think I tried to watch the movie once and got distracted and never got back to it. But your descripion was so yummy I'll have to give it another whirl. I guess i should read the book first, eh?
I know that I read the book, and watched the movie way back when, but I don't remember it very well either. Perhaps I should rewatch it too.
Sim, Thanks for playing along. The color on my computer is off, so I couldn't see the gaps in the other photo too well except when on other computers. I just made this illustration from a photo my hubby took in 2006. Nice angle, huh? And nice post on Les Miz even though the rest of us can't see it yet!
Louise, Thanks for playing along. I hadn't heard of that Griff Rhys Jones Greatest Cities in the World television series before. I'm going to watch it.
I linked, ma chère, but I cannot see the link as before.??
I am having little pangs of regret that I will probably not see the Paris Christmas decorations and windows this year for the first time in 6 years. I am counting on my friends to show many store windows!
Genie, Your link is there. I just added the wrong "Mister Linky" this time so you have to actually click on it to see the names. I'll get it right next week -- Promise.
Genie, I have never been in France at Christmastime. I'll mark it down as one of my goals. I'd love to be there to see all the decorations.
I have been there at Easter. The little chocolate mice are a nice change from chocolate bunnies.
I loved this movie-I have been to this little village.
I was thinking you might want to do a special Summer in France meme where everyone gets to share what they would do with a summer in France. I've only been to France a couple of times but people like you and Louise practically live there. I think it would be fun to read your dream itinerary.
Love the book and the movie.
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