Guess where we are?
After all the cancelled flights and volcano dust, our plane left on time and arrived pretty much on time.
We didn't get a lot of rest and Earl definitely had a tougher time than I did. That's why he is snoring behind me right now. This was the smallest amount of space I've seen on an Air France flight.
In spite of the small amount of sleep we got, we were determined to stay awake when we arrived. We made it to the hotel about 2. We showered and went in search of a Brasserie, which is a French restaurant that serves sandwiches and food all the time. Many restaurants only serve meals during normal hours, so dinner isn't available until 8 p.m. and no one is serving lunch at 3 p.m., except the brasseries.
We sat outside because the weather was in the mid-70s to 80. A breeze kept us cooled down.
I ordered a pichet of red wine, which is a small pitcher, and we both ended up having four glasses -- but the glasses were small, really. Considering that I hadn't had any alcohol the past three weeks, the wine really hit me. I would say I was tipsy, but I think it went farhter than that.
Then we ended our meal with little espressos. Earl doesn't even like coffee, but he agreed to drink an espresso in the hopes of staying awake.
After our lunch, we went walking. We took a bus and then walked down by the Seine and enjoyed the sunshine. And so did an old couple making out along the river. It seemed so French that this guy with a mane of white hair had his hands on either side of this older woman's face and they were, well, Frenching, right there on a bank beside the river.
I love that the sun was shining and the leaves are unfurling, which makes for much better photos than our last trip during March a few years ago, when everything was still pretty gray.
As our energy started to wane, we stopped at another cafe near Pont Neuf for a second espresso. We were setting small goals for ourselves -- if we don't
go back to the room until 7 then we can stay awake until 8... Finally, we caught a bus and returned to the room.
And there is one thing I hope everyone will agree on when they see these photos, and that is that the $25 I spent to have my hair blown dry and straightened on Thursday was definitely worth it. Even after a night on the plane, it still looks fabulous.
Okay - I haven't read your post yet but you both look even more gorgeous in France !!!
Now I've read my first day of "virtual" France and I loved it.
Thank you for letting me know how it went.
Trying my darnest not to comment on today's air travel - I'll leave it to, I can't imagine such a long trip.
Whoa! That $25 was most definitely worth it! And "Just Saying" is right, you both DO look even more gorgeous in France.
This is so exciting! I feel like I'm experiencing this with you guys!
straight, did you like Mackenzie? Poor Earl I feel bad for him having to squeeze into such tight quarters, especially for such a long flight! Have a great time strolling about Paris. Mom and I will miss you Sat. night at the art hop, almost as cool as Paris, NOT!
Hmm my first words disappeared.... I said man you hair is really...
Thanks for the compliments. We probably look more relaxed than we do at home. Sheila, I did like MacKenzie (the woman who straightened my hair).
I just woke up and don't have a clock in the room. I figured it must be morning, so I got up to do some work. Now, I see by my computer that it's 6 p.m. at home, which means it must be midnight here. Zut! I'd better go back to bed
I'm so glad you two are having great weather in Paris-makes it even more special. I hope you get to see some wysteria blooming around Paris. One of my favorite things.
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