Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Funny Writing

I'm revising (maybe reviving) my novel Trail Mix. I figured when the movie Wild with Reese Witherspoon comes out, that might help sales of my own novel of trials hiking on a trail. Rather than the Pacific Crest Trail, which the woman in Wild hikes, my characters are hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Here's my blurb -- Some people will do anything to lose weight. With no previous camping experience, two suburban women come up with the perfect way to shed excess pounds – hike the Appalachian Trail. It's a 2100-mile odyssey, from Georgia to Maine, a grueling experience, even for seasoned hikers. But friends Andi and Jess figure life on the trail can't possibly be worse than dealing with disgruntled husbands, sullen teens and a general malaise that has crept up in their daily lives. Side-effects of the diet may include spending far too much time with a hiking buddy, leading to some startling revelations about each other.
 The whole idea of selling a book based on hiking the Appalachian Trail as a diet plan
sounds funny, don't you think?
Somewhere along the way, my book has gotten too serious. As I'm revising, I read funny things that happened, but I don't feel like I wrote them funny. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to write funny.
I think I'm fairly funny in life -- at least witty. I'd say some of my blog posts are even humorous, yet I'm unsure how to invoke some more humor into my book. Maybe it's a matter of timing. 
I'm going to go back and try to punch up some of the funny parts.
The release date for the movie Wild is in December. I hope my novel is available much sooner than that. 


Lucia said...

I hope so too looking forward to it.

Just Me said...

I find you and your writing quite funny and witty. I also can see that a writer's job is not easy. Good luck with your revisions.

Just Me said...

I find you and your writing quite funny and witty. I also can see that a writer's job is not easy. Good luck with your revisions.

Linda said...

It sounds like a great idea for a book. I'm sure you can make it funny and serious at the same time. That's a thing, right?

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