Sunday, June 22, 2014


When Earl and I got married, 24 years ago tomorrow, in a holler in Kentucky, the tiger lilies were in bloom all along the creek in front of my parents' log cabin. We stood in front of an arch of fake flowers that were overshadowed by the tiger lilies which reached up on slender stems and burst forth in a firework of orange flowers.
Here is our small wedding party. Just perfect really. My best friend Tracey,
Earl's  niece Erin as our flower girl. Earl's brother Art as his best man, plus the priest.
Can you see the tiger lilies behind us?

As the climate has changed, the tiger lilies have bloomed earlier and earlier. Last year, they had even finished blooming in Ohio by our anniversary. Where we live in Ohio is four hours north of the site of our wedding in Kentucky.
This year, the spring was late so everything is blooming later.That's why the tiger lilies are in full bloom this year as we celebrate our anniversary.
Happy Anniversary to my husband. Like
the tiger lilies, we're still blooming each year. 
If I had it to do again, I would definitely coordinate the wedding party with the outdoor flowers. Plus, it's a nice reminder about the world around us as the years fly by.


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Great photos. Happy Anniversary!

Linda said...

Great photos. I think you both made great choices for a mate.

Paulita said...

Thanks, Sally and Linda. We're hoping to get away for a nice dinner tonight. And I have a special bottle of wine waiting for us too.

Just Me said...

Belated Happy Anniversary! Love the pictures

Jackie McGuinness said...

Lovely photos!

Lucia said...

Happy belated anniversary. I just planted a tiger lily yesterday! Karma.

Paulita said...

Just Me and Lucia, You aren't belated. Today is our anniversary.

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