Thursday, June 19, 2014

College Orientation

It's finally happening -- with my third child.
We get to go to college orientation.
My two older kids both went to college, but they chose colleges so far away that we couldn't attend orientation. Instead, we pulled up that first day and unloaded them, ready for school to being.
Tucker has thoughtfully chosen a school only 90 minutes away.
Today, we'll spend the day in parent meetings and touring the buildings where his major holds classes. He'll spend the night in the dorms while Earl and I go to a hotel.
Then tomorrow, "a hearty breakfast" and we'll finish the orientation.
I'm excited, although, I'd probably be a little more enthusiastic if I could get more than an occasional grunt from him.
I'll post pics later.


Just Me said...

Not sure I would want to trade places with you today even as I plan to scrub floors and toilets, but I wish you lots of fun. At least you don't have to sleep in a dorm tonight.

Suzie Tullett said...

How exciting! Enjoy x

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

We've been having orientation at our college 3 days a week for the last several weeks for the incoming class. It's so well organized and always fun to see the new students.

Linda said...

I remember those days. It made me want to go back to college-except for that part about living in a dorm.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...
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Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I have always wanted to go to Boarding school .. I might not of liked it , but always wanted to go. It all stemmed from reading books by Enid Blyton - Mallory Towers about girls at boarding school.

Paulita you are made up , only 90 minutes away and love your bit about getting a "grunt" out of Tucker . xx

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I am not sure if we have orientation in the uk. I could be wrong .

My boys did not go to college or university , they just left home, at 18 and 22 .. One to join the Airforce and the other to live with his partner. I might of liked this ,but it was not to be.

Paulita said...

Thanks, everyone, for your comments. I agree that I would not want to live in a dorm again, but I feel we really wasted our money on a hotel room from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. Still, a good night's sleep and a hot shower all to myself. I'll post pics tomorrow.

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