Sunday, November 03, 2013

Writing in November

Right now, I'm feeling very happy about my writing. Not that the writing is especially fabulous, but I'm meeting my schedule, so that makes me happy.
November is NaNoWriMo which stands for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is 50,000 words in a month.
I have a careful schedule that requires me to write 2000 words per day, along with editing my other novel.
Here's a book cover that I rejected for my next novel. But I'll reveal the new one soon. 
Of course, my family hasn't disappeared, so I also have some things to take care of there -- cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, talking to them, listening to them!
Plus, there are those pesky classes that need care and tending too. I've put grading on my schedule too. And, truthfully, that's the only place I've fallen behind.
But I gained an extra hour last night, so I'm going to try to catch up today.
It looks like my computer and I will be spending the day together.
How bout you? What does your Sunday look  like?


Jacqui Brown said...

Looking forward to the new novel and the new cover! Good luck with the challenge.

Anonymous said...

can't wait!!

Louise said...

Oh I love your title. Looking forward to hearing more about it. Good luck.

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