Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stars and Sweat

Okay, enough worrying about self-centeredness. (See previous post.) Now, back to me.
I've been in a real exercise slump lately. I manage to run, interspersed with walking, a couple of days each week. I've gone to the gym to do the weight machines a few days each week. Last Thursday though, I dressed for the gym, dropped the kids at school, and came home to take a nap at 8:30 a.m. That is pitiful!
I missed my long run with my friends on Saturday too.
Maybe I'm just overwhelmed with teaching at two colleges and juggling five classes at one of them. But the essays haven't begun to flow in like they will in the coming weeks. Maybe I'm getting old and worn out.
Getting up at 5 a.m. just isn't as attractive as it used to be.
This morning, I didn't set an alarm, but I woke at 5:15 and got up. We had a wind advisory yesterday that was supposed to end by 2 a.m. When I hit the streets at 5:30, it seemed like no one had told the wind that it had a 2 a.m. curfew. It was still blowing gustily between the houses. I ran down to the main street and stopped to chat with some friends who bicycle at 5:45. Of course, I'm thinking that bicycling would be so much easier. Why don't I bicycle? But the wind definitely made it harder today.
So I did my 3.5 mile loop. It wasn't too bad. I do need some new music on my iPod though. Less cowbell.
When I got back to my drive, I looked up at the sky. I hadn't paid much attention to it, instead focusing on the asphalt beneath my feet. I strained my neck to look up, tilting my head far back until I felt dizzy. Then, eureka, I decided to lie down in the hammock for a clear view.
It was still dark, of course, but the sky was more navy than black. Big clumps of clouds skittered across the sky. As I lay there watching the clouds race, stars would wink in between. I could see one -- there -- for a good 30 seconds before another white streak of a cloud covered it. Then a clump of stars there then gone again.
I hoisted myself off the hammock and came into the house. Grace was in the shower. It was time to wake up Tuck. My morning had begun, but at least it started with the wind and the clouds and the stars, and a bit of sweat thrown in for good luck.


BFF said...

There are those who believe we are closest to God when we are outside. They hail from many different religious backgrounds but I believe them to be correct. Navy blue sky, wind and clouds? How could you not see God in that.
(I know it is of subject)

Me Again said...

Sounds like a perfect way to start a day !

ps. beating one's self up could qualify as being self centered...smile

Stephanie said...

Hooray for you!

It was dark, cold, and windy and you were completely unmotivated, yet you still went out and ran.

Very inspiring, if you ask me.

It's ok to have the "off" days. And it is totally ok to take a nap after you drop the kids off. (I bet it was a good one too.) Just do what you need to do to take care of yourself. (except miss your Saturday morning runs)

I think you should camp out in that hammock one night.

BFF: I can totally relate.

Audubon Ron said...

Okay, I'm exhausted. I feel like I need to take a shower. Gravity is a pissant, isn't it? I try my best not to defy it. But there is this sense of accomplishment.

Pam said...

Amazing how you don't even have a clue just how much of an over achiever you are -- makes you lovable !!

Linda said...

I used to get up early to jog in the dark. It is magical then. I should start again but probably won't.

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