Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the first paragraph of her current read. Anyone can join in. Go to Diane's website for the image and share the first paragraph of the current book you are reading.
I heard about this book, Georgia Bottoms on NPR when they interviewed the author Mark Childress.

Here's the first paragraph:
If only Eugene didn't run on so long in his sermons, Georgia thought, a person might not have time to think about how hot it was in this church. Beads of sweat were trickling a very personal path around each vertebra, into the waistband of her panty hose. It was September, but still summer held Alabama in a death grip. Georgia did not give a damn about global warming, because she knew Alabama couldn't possibly get much hotter than this. Although everyone said it was not so much the heat as it was the humidity, the heat alone was enough to drive you out of your mind. And then the mosquitoes would swarm in to finish you off.
What do you think? Would you keep reading?
I'll have a review of last week's first paragraph, Hector and the Secrets of Love soon.
I love anything about the south and Alabama related...I'm thinking right now with a southern accent!!!
Lucia, You are southern Canadian. I knew it!
I really liked this book, hope you enjoy it as well.
I would definitely keep reading. I like the sound of this one. enjoy
The premise didn't catch me, but the first paragraph did. It sounds like a funny read.
This sounds good - I'd definitely keep reading!
Sounds like a keeper.
Amazing voice of a woman to be written by man.
"just sayin" and i had the same thought: can't believe this was written by a man. thought the paragraph had a great quirky tone. i wonder if he kept it up throughout the book.
I agree with you guys. I'm very prejudiced against books written by men that portray women.
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