Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Tuesday Intros -- Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the first paragraph of her current read. Anyone can join in. Go to Diane's website for the image and share the first paragraph of the current book you are reading.

I took a photo of the book cover
because the cover on Amazon is
very different, but this one has a shiny
cover on it, which doesn't photograph well.
I picked up this book because I heard the author on the radio. I don't think she was even talking about her fiction, but I'm starting the novel Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes by Jules Moulin.

In the end it was Harry's fault.
Harry Goodman  had promised to help Professor Hughes around the house that Friday. He'd also promised the Friday before and the Friday before that, too.
But it was New England and baseball season and 2004. The Sox were moving toward a ninety-eight, sixty-four record that spring and five months later, that October, they'd sweep the Cardinals to win their first Series in eighty-six years. 
I'm curious about what was Harry's fault, but I'm put off by all the numbers in the baseball paragraph. Hope I like it.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's a great title. I agree about the numbers. It implies a very literally insider baseball kind of book, to which I say, "Goodwill."
But I'd give it a chance first.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I was drawn in by the title...if there is a lot of baseball, though, it wouldn't be for me...LOL. I hope you enjoy it. Here's mine: “THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR”

Margot said...

I've noticed that people who are crazy about baseball are also crazy about numbers. It just seems to go together for them. But the paragraph does sound interesting, so I'd like to read a bit more.

Literary Feline said...

I imagine the numbers are more for character building purposes than anything else. I do like the sound of this one and am curious to know what exactly is Harry's fault!

JoAnn said...

Like Margot, I think that baseball and numbers just go together. Hope the book turns out to be a good one.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

That is a terrible cover but, I'm kinda curious.

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