Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dreaming of France -- No, Really, Dreaming of France

Please join this weekly meme. Grab a copy of the photo above and link back to An Accidental Blog. Share with the rest of us your passion for France. Did you read a good book set in France? See a movie? Take a photo in France? Have an adventure? Eat a fabulous meal or even just a pastry? Or if you're in France now, go ahead and lord it over the rest of us. We can take it.
This morning as I listened to Marketplace Money on my local NPR station, I heard a story about how anticipating a vacation is almost better than the vacation itself.
A study in the Netherlands found that people were happier right before a vacation than right after. The promise of the reprieve might be better than the actual trip! Nothing can go wrong as you are dreaming about it, but in actual travel, many things can go wrong, explained the author of the study who was attacked by a shark in Hawaii.
I don't fear shark attacks on our next trip to France, and I am enjoying the joy that comes with contemplating walking off the plan in Paris and traveling by train down to Aix en Provence.
I  Skyped last week with a blog friend in Aix en Provence, Delana (who hasn't been blogging much but who runs Travel Solo Bootcamp, was full of fun ideas for me and Earl.
One of the things she told us was that the Calanques, between Marseille and Cassis are open to cars during March. That means that we can drive our rental car on the calanques, a kind of Mediterranean fjord. Most of the time, people visit them by boat or they have to park and hike in to see them.
This photo comes from the Alaric English Speakers website. 
Delana explained that the roads are twisty through the steep landscape. Other articles explain that creeks cut into the stone leaving these dramatic shapes. Then the creeks pour into the Mediterranean, leaving the water pure and fresh. I wonder if we'll get any photos as dramatic as this.
I'm really dreaming of France and looking forward to our adventures.
What are you dreaming about this week?
Please leave a comment and visit each other's blogs to see what others are posting about.


Esme said...

This area looks gorgeous. I hope you have time to spend hiking there.

Louise said...

The anticipation of a holiday is certainly delicious, but never as marvellous as the actual holiday itself I fear. That area looks stunning, and will be amazing to visit.

Vicki Lesage said...

Wow, that's gorgeous! Hope you have nice weather and a great trip!

Jeanie said...

Looks just gorgeous and I can see why the anticipation would be wonderful! I think that's sort of true about anticipation and happiness being almost greater before than after -- because after you are home and it's over. But I wonder about during. I think if you had measured mine while in France, it would have been off the chart!

Lucia said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip you so deserve this!

Sim Carter said...

I just learned the German word for that kind of anticipation - vorfreude - the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.

The Calanques look gorgeous, the sea almost as blue as Alain Delon's eyes in Plein Soleil!
Which is what I have for Dreaming of France today.

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

I totally agree that the anticipation of a trip is as much fun as the actual trip. And yours is certainly sounding like a fabulous adventure worthy of great anticipation!

Leovi said...

Very nice, I like to have a house near that place!

Just Me said...

Gorgeous and fascinating. I agree with the story. I even experience joy and anticipation when a friend is planning a trip.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Paulita , this area looks fantastic.. Oh yes your really ARE dreaming , dreaming about your coming trip. Who can blame you. Going to be wonderful. xo

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...