To-Do List:20 mins Pilates -- dailyPractise taking deep breaths and letting go-- ongoingDrive to FranceSend off applications for Master of wine course, first step on the path to brilliant and fulfilling new job financing life of glamour and fun.Find suitable man for love and children, NB not another cheating rat like Ed -- ongoing.
Turns out doing Pilates in a ferry cabin the size of a sardine tin is a physical impossibility, so I go up on deck instead to stretch my legs and watch St Malo materialise through the early morning mist. I take deep breaths of sea air as I stride the length of the ship, killing two birds with one stone on the To-Do list and preparing myself for the day's drive ahead. I'm retracing the homeward journey I'd made in the early spring after that last stay with my Aunt Liz. Only now, weirdly, my homeward journey is in the opposite direction.Also this week is Teaser Tuesdays. Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Open to a random page of your current read h and share a teaser sentence from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers. Here's my teaser from page 114:
Wrenching the earphones from my ears, I scramble down to firmer ground, my neck and cheeks blazing scarlet with embarrassment. "Excuse me, I was just..." I burble, waving a dusty hand at the shutters. My shoulders and arms are covered in freckles of dried green and red paint. And it's only later that I discover the bits in my hair as well.Hope you are reading something good this July. I'm also connecting to Paris in July cohosted by Thyme for Tea and Bookbath.
Interesting teaser. I wouldn't try doing Pilates in a small space. I wouldn't do Pilates, period. LOl
Not sure I would keep reading. It just does not grab me.
The opening doesn't do much for me, but I hope you like this one!
Nope - I can't connect with this one thus far. Hope you like it though:)
Thanks for joining us.
Right off the bat, it reminded me of Bridgit Jones--the style, the self-deprecating hyperbole--I loved Diary of Bridgit Jones, so yeah, I might keep on reading!
How awkward! Thanks for sharing that fun teaser.
I can just picture it. LOL Great intro.
Sounds like a very fun, cute book! Hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Not my cup of tea but I hope you like it. I found a website you might like: The Good Life in France. Lots of articles on France and reviews of books on France too.
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