We stayed in a cedar cabin in the woods with an outdoorsy young couple and their 20-month-old daughter, Aurora. The sunrise turned the wet fields misty.
After Grace's swim practice, we spent the day together going to a football game and a swim team cookout.
We took Grace to visit baby Aurora to get her toddler fix. That was fairly mean of us because Aurora sobbed every time we left. She got attached very quickly.
I gave them Grace's cell phone number in case they ever need a babysitter.
Grace and her friends had planned a dinner with all of their friends and parents together at an Italian restaurant. When we got in the restaurant, the students scattered to their table and the parents sat together. They were a fun, intelligent group.
I took some photos of the "kids" table, which included some little siblings.
One of the siblings, an 8-year-old boy named Nick, was shunned by the older kids.
After dinner, we went to a Singers concert of music from France and then danced to a band that included some of their professors.
The next morning we joined Grace for brunch at the cafeteria before our long trek home. Earl smuggled a turnover out of the cafeteria, which embarrassed Grace.
And we left Grace on the beautiful campus as she cried big tears. Loving it where she is, but missing home like crazy.
Looks like fun and the campus looks so pretty.
oh, nick. what a hilarious child...and EXACTLY like his brother.
love the cabin. Looks like you guys had a great time. You're already making friends with the college kids families, man you really do know how to work a room. :)
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