Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Snapshot -- Swim

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post on Alyce's blog At Home With Books. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

Today is an exciting day in my house because of a big district swim meet yesterday and we found out my son is moving on to States.

It's also an exciting day because my novel The Summer of France is free on Kindle Saturday and Sunday. I'd really appreciate if you'd download it free. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle reader to your computer then download my book. Thanks. Plus, I bet you'd like the book if you'd give it a chance! Here's the link: The Summer of France.
Now here are some photos from yesterday.
Tucker gets his head shaved every year before the meet.

But first the barber makes sure he looks really silly.

Here they are on the podium one of the three times that they placed in the top four.

I love this group huddle after they dropped 6 seconds from one of their relays.

I can't to see what you all are posting.


Suzie Tullett said...

I would've downloaded your book, Paulita, but I already have it.

Well done, thus far, and good luck to your son in the States competition x

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Well, I must be off to download it!

Love the buzz!

Here’s my Saturday Snapshot. Stop by, if you can, and share your thoughts.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great shots! What a fun event...and now I'm off to download your book. Yay!


betty-NZ said...

I shall download your book now....

Lmkazmierczak said...

Thanks for the free download♫ I also "Liked" your author page...Happy Week-end♥

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Fun pictures! I like the hair cut!

Paulita said...

Thanks to everyone. I'm so grateful for your support.

Anonymous said...

That's a reason for celebration: your son's coming home. And the successful swim.

I love the barber's tease.

I don't have a Kindle. I'll try your advice. Thank you.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I purchased it previously but sadly have not read it yet:( sorry

I love those shots - your son is a cutie.

Sim Carter said...

Yes! Everyone should go download your book right now - as you know I bought it previously on my Nook, loved it and reviewed it. My take is on my site as well as Goodreads. Your son is lucky to have a nicely shaped head and face that looks good sans hair! What a hunk! Does he shave his chest and legs too for aerodynamic benefits? Congrats and have a great weekend!

Paulita said...

Thanks, Diane. I hope you get to read it and even more hope that you enjoy it.
Sim, Yes, he shaves his entire body before the meet. His legs were as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Christine Harding said...

I shall try and download it - but I may have to see if it's available on Amazon ##########uk, I may have to see if it's available on

Christine Harding said...

Ooops! should say My Snapshot is at

Susan Lindquist said...

Hurray for you AND your son's accomplishments!

Unknown said...

I have a Nook, Paulita. Is the book available for that? Best of luck with it! Isn't it funny how different people look after their head is shaved?!

Anonymous said...

What fun photos and memories!

Shari Green said...

Congrats to your son! And yay for 6 seconds off (see? shaving your head makes a big difference! lol)

Ali said...

Sounds like it was quite a weekend, and your son sure looks like he has a great team for the relay. His hair definitely looks better in the After pic than the During pic. :-)

Lovable Derek said...

Great photos, great fun.
Thanks for this lovely post.

Martha Eskuchen said...

Hi- I am just running behind. :-(
Great silly shot and congrats on the good job. I like the huddle too.

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