We went to a Clippers baseball game. I've blogged before about how great this field is, and we had nice seats in the second row. Unfortunately, it was one of those 95-degree days so we were dripping sweat in the sun.
My favorite part of a minor league baseball game is the hot dog races. I don't know why they have hot dog races, but the hot dogs -- one with mustard, one with ketchup, and one with relish -- race down the first base line. So far this season, mustard has won no races. Oh, my heart goes out to mustard who fell again during this race and still has zero wins.
I did get this great photo of one of the other hot dogs jumping over the fallen mustard hot dog.
When I try to explain something like hot dog races and call them mustard hot dog or relish hot dog, it feels like maybe I've fallen down the rabbit hole with Alice. So strange.
I'm jealous of your family nights! I want a family night. I have been getting to spend a lot more time with Daniel since he's home from college. But now Beth is gone for the week. Maybe we do better in small groups. :)
Family night at my house consists of rolling eye and sniping comments and that's just from the "adults" (I think you know who I mean). Last time Adam said "I don't know why we're having family night when I'll just sit in the kitchen and facebook instead of hanging out with you people" I love 15 almost as much as 12
OMG! I absolutely love the new clipper stadium. It would be perfect for family night, because as I did not know until I went to a game there ; there is nothing else to do but eat and talk to the people around you. It's really weird - it many ways, it felt quieter than being alone in my car. Of course, there's plenty to watch, the races are fun.
I loved going to Clipper games. The field is awesome! I got to play a softball game on it one year and it was a blast!
So excited to continue to follow you on your new path, always loved reading your blog posts and following your adventures.thanks regeneronation
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