Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Songs as Mood Barometers

You know how a song gets stuck in your head and you can't shake it?
Some people say the song is an indicator of your outlook, not merely words replaying over and over. If so, I'm in trouble today.
Yesterday, the song "I Won't Give Up On Us" by Jason Mraz was stuck in my head. Grace and I were fake waltzing around the living room as I sang:
 I won't give up ... on... us
Even if the skies... get... rough
I'm givin you all... my... love
I'm still lookin' up...

This song was perfect because this is my summer of big ideas and I need to not give up on my big plans.
Today though, I can't shake a different song. I've tried to ignore it and then I finally needed to pay attention to it and just laugh.
The song is by Bruno Mars and it's called The Lazy Song.

Today I don't feel like doing anything
 I just want to stay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone so leave a message at the tone
Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothin at all..

Maybe that's a message I need to hear, but don't tell it to my "to do" list.


Linda said...

I like both of them, my type of music.

aguja said...


As Mr. Aguja and I practise each day, my head is sometimes overloaded with tunes and songs.

I hope that mine are not 'mood barometers' as one I have swirling around at the moment is 'St James' Infirmary'(about a man visiting his girlfriend in the morgue) - particularly morbid, but it has music that draws one in and is a great opportunity to use the 'brush tipper' with my bodhrán, so I find it exciting. Another is 'Give Me Three Steps' - a Lynnard Skinnard number which is about a 'guy' trying to persuade some 'dude' not to shoot him; again, the rhythm draws me.

Paulita said...

Aquja, Good point, sometimes songs with words that I don't understand at all get stuck in my head!

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