Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Snapshot -- France Reverie

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post on Alyce's blog At Home With Books. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.
This month, I'm also participating in Paris in July sponsored byThyme for Tea and Bookbath, so, of course, I need a France related photo, and I can't believe we're at the end of July so this is my last official France post.
When people ask about my obsession with France, I say I've visited a number of times. I finally sat down and counted. I've been to France nine times. So, I decided to post a photo from each visit.
My first trip was in 1983 between my junior and senior year of college. I went with my boyfriend on a student tour of a gazillion countries. I packed a gigantic suitcase.

Next, I went to France in 1985 for three months as a nanny to two American girls who had French grandparents. We stayed in Corsica, near Bourges, and in Paris.  
This was at their country house outside of Bourges.

My next trip was with my husband in 1991, the year after we got married. We came home from the trip pregnant with Grace.

Our next trip was with all three kids, ages 2, 4 and 6, in 1998.

Here we are in Monet's Garden where Tucker disturbed everyone with his loud crying. Our
 French friend Marguerite lives in Paris. She taught English literature in school.
I went to Paris with my friend Michelle in 1999 after her mother, who was from France, died. Michelle had never visited France.

Earl and I went for our favorite trip in 2002 maybe. We're unsure of the exact year. That's our estimate.
This is us in front of the Pont du Gard. We actually rode our bikes across it.
We went again the following year for a 5-day weekend in Aix en Provence as I did some research for a book.

In 2006, we took all three kids again, age 14, 12 and 10.

In 2010, Earl and I went to celebrate our 20th anniversary.

Could there be another trip in 2012? How about 2013?


Tamara said...

How lucky are you! What wonderful memories you and your family will have. Funny how the Baguette appears frequently in the photos.

Unknown said...

It seems like France is very dear to you, what a wonderful timeline and memories you have recorded! I agree with the above comment about the baguette! Interesting post :)

Trish said...

France is so wonderful, isn't it?! What great memories :)

Jill Buck said...

What great mememories!

Barbara The Healthy Nut said...

What a wonderful trip down memory lane! Thanks for sharing. I have a similar photo of my daughter with a baguette . It's one of our favorites from our trip to France in 1986.

Paulita said...

Okay, guys, only two photos have baguettes, but I've eaten many more than that during my days in France.

Eugenia O'Neal said...

How wonderful that you've documented each trip like this! It's nice to have memories of each trip and of what you did and who you went with.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

What a wonderful tradition! Visiting France on a regular basis makes it like a part of you in such a special way. Enjoy!

Thanks for sharing the commemorative moments...and for visiting my blog.

Arti said...

I've enjoyed all these photos. I visited Aix en Provence in August 2010. So wonderful to look at all your family photos of all these trips. These are must be lovely memories for all of you. Thanks for sharing!

Kailana said...

Wow, how wonderful. You must really like Paris!

JoAnn said...

What wonderful memories of France! I WILL visit one day...

Melissa O. said...

What fantastic memories for you all! Great pictures :-)

Here's my snapshot post this week.

Christine Harding said...

I love France too, but I've not been as often as you. It's a lovely collection of pictures. Thank yu for visiting my blog.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Wow, nine trips, how nice. I haven't been there yet ... someday.

Eva said...

What a great series of photos. You and france seem like a real love affair. I hope you get to go there again soon.

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

I think it's so special to visit the same place again and again--you can't really learn a place just going once. Thanks for sharing your trips through the years!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Nine times! That's awesome♫♪

Irene said...

Wonderful memories.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I get the impression you are fond of France...LOL

Seriously, what a beautiful post of your adventures there.

Meaghan said...

Wow, that is a lot of trips to France! It looks like you had a lot of fun each time you went though. :)

Sim Carter said...

I have only been to Paris 3 times - which I know is 3 more times than many people have been BUT the first time I was a small child so it doesn't count. In any case I extremely jealous of you and want to go again. My husband and I are hoping to go to Italy next year; maybe we can build in a sidetrip.

Susan Lindquist said...

Wow! You must be an old hand at the Paris at this point! Oh, to know that city so well! In my dreams!

Louise said...

How fabulous to have had 9 trips to France. I've only managed two trips so far, but it's a very long and expensive trip from Australia to France. It's wonderful to watch your family grow over time. Surely it must be nearly time for your next trip? I know I'm on the countdown to my next trip.

Alyce said...

What a fantastic amount of trips you've had!

Linda said...

I loved looking at your photos taken in France. I hope you will have many more opportunities to come to France.

Aussie in France said...

Hi, you certainly have been here many times! What is the building in the first photo? Is it Blois?

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...