Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Weather Fantasies

We are well past 40 days and 40 nights of rain, yet no arks are in sight.
Let's just pretend that the weather is beautiful. If April showers bring May flowers then we should be floating in blooms pretty soon.
These are tulips growing in front of my house. I thought they were a little late this year.
Every neighborhood has an overachiever and this neighbor excells in tulips apparently.
Here's another vantage point of the yard full of flowers.
Earl and I planned to videotape ourselves in front of these tulips in an effort to win a bicycle trip in Holland from KLM. The deadline was May 1 and we never made a videotape to upload. I guess we didn't want the trip enough.
Similar to Tucker who injured his knee recently when he cracked it on the door he was opening. It hurt too much for him to take part in P.E., but not quite enough for him to go to the freezer and get ice to put on it.


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Wow, those are SO beautiful!! Too bad you didn't make that video, because I think you might have won! They really are spectacular! Congratulations, even if you didn't win a trip to Holland!

Lucia said...

yes beautiful

BonjourRomance said...

The tulips are spectiacular. Thanks for sharing all the beauty with us!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

OMG...these are just so beautiful. I hate when the bloom is over and you have all those dried stems though:(

coco said...

ah, nice tulip garden

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