Sunday, May 22, 2011


A blogging friend recently wrote about an art exhibit that included views out of windows.
That got me thinking of some of the scenes I've glimpsed and loved out of windows. I can't draw or paint, but I can share some photos with you.
Here's the view from an upstairs window at Monet's garden.

After the stay in Paris, we visited friends in Nantes. They have a gorgeous, rambling apartment with views of the cathedral. Imagine seeing that everyday. From the other side of the "flat" they can see the Nantes chateau. Quite a sight.

When Earl and I traveled to Chicago, we had a fabulous view out the window.

In March, the moon makes its way past my bedroom window and wakes me up with its bright rays.

I can't believe I don't have a picture out the front window of my house. The house is on a hill and the trees in the summer make me feel like I'm living in a tree house. I promise I'll take one soon.
Do you have a favorite view out of a window?


Linda said...

I have one of a courtyard out the living room window. There is a lamp there that reminds me of Narnia.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Paulita .. I certainly do not have a favourite view out of my windows ..unless I go for a walk , there are just houses around me hills or Chateau .

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...