Friday, July 31, 2009

A Room of One's Own

I have a confession to make. Although I've missed my husband and daughter this week while they travel, I've enjoyed having my bedroom to myself.
When I was a little girl, I shared a room with my older sister. Somewhere around 10 or 11, I moved into a tiny, closet of a room with a bed that had built in drawers, which I loved. My room is where I went to write and read and dream. In college, in grad school, I shared a dorm room or apartment. Then, before I was married, I had a whole apartment to myself for a few years. For the past 19 years, I've been sharing my bedroom with a very thoughtful man, who makes the bed each morning when he gets out of it, still... to have a room of one's own, ah...
This week, when I get up at 5 or 5:30. I turn on the light rather than groping around in the dark. I don't have to worry about setting out my running clothes and hanging my work clothes on the bathroom door. I leave the door of the bedroom open so a breeze wafts in from the bedroom windows while I work on my computer here in this square hallway/office. I sit cross-legged on my bed facing the darkened windows to meditate and visualize. I put my hands palm up on my crossed legs and feel the possibilities in my palms, the open palms that can easily receive or give. A deep breath that I feel and hear in the quiet of my room. I open my eyes and look at the treetops through the three-paned, Arts & Crafts window. I am at peace.
In a few days, the rest of my family will be home. I'll mute my computer while I work early in the morning and I'll tiptoe out of the bedroom in the morning, trading strong arms and a warm body in my bed for the privacy that I'll have all too soon when the kids leave for homes of their own.


Linda said...

I too dearly love my husband but I sure do sleep well when I'm on my own. I'm sure he does too. Plus, I don't have to share the TV remote control.

Sheila said...

That picture makes me want to clean out my room and spruce it up a bit. I have visions of my room being a peaceful refuge but now it's just a place to dump all the clutter.

I actually don't sleep better without Dan, I get scared when he's not here. But it is nice having the bed all to myself. :)

Sheila said...

Ooh I just remembered a dream I had last night, you wanted me to write a character into one of your books. Wierd! It was a troubled kid, he was just going to be in one scene(I don't know what word you use for a book) of the book. I can't remember anything else about it. Hmm that's a a strange thing to dream about.

Stephanie said...

I want the view from that room. Ahh!

I too need to use stealth capabilites to get ready for my predawn runs so as not to disturb anyone, although it seems the quieter I try to be, the more racket I make.

So Sheila, do you have strange dreams with or without your husband in bed?

Ruth said...

Hey, I had the same room. It was a "Sewing" room with louvered doors and just big enough for my bed, nothing else

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