Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now It's Summer

As if the weather could see the calendar page ready to turn, today became hot and muggy. I stood in the garden and breathed in that earthy smell, shrugging off the bugs that landed on my bare arms and feeling the air thick around me.
July has been almost cool. We haven't had the air conditioning on at all. I think the French would call it "fresh." Our skinny French girl has spent a lot of time under the throw blanket.
I walked home from the garden with a bag full of tomatoes and two red peppers that are candy apple red. I'd already told the boys that I wasn't cooking this week. What I meant was, I wasn't cooking for them. I made some risotto with apricots and white onions for myself. I had a side salad of fresh tomatoes with vinaigrette, and for dessert, a peach cobbler.
Seeing the end of my five-week classes gives me a chance to breathe. I feel taller, as if a weight has risen from my shoulders. I sat and read a book tonight after I ate. I still have lots of papers to grade and a class to plan for tomorrow and the next day, but the end is in sight. I might have a life again someday soon.


Linda said...

Glad you are reaching the end and that there is still lots of summer left.

Sheila said...

Can I come over for dinner? It sounds yummy! I'll bring wine. :)

Paulita said...

Then definitely. That was the one thing missing from my meal. I didn't feel like I should open a bottle for myself. Maybe I was afraid I'd drink the whole thing!

The Olympic Cauldron

 Many people visit Paris in August, but mostly they run into other tourists. This year, there seem to be fewer tourists throughout the city ...