Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway -- Mine!

Delana at du Jour reviewed my book and is hosting a giveaway.
Please hop over and take a look to see what she thought of my book.
If you leave a comment or tweet about her post, or link to it on Facebook, she'll enter you to win a copy of my book in paperback, Nook or Kindle version. Your choice.
Delana is a sassy Minnesotan who moved to Provence, France at age 50 and is making a life over there. From what I see on her Facebook and blog posts, she's having the time of her life.


Sim Carter said...

I'm going! What a lucky woman she is - are you blind with jealousy?

Paulita said...

Yes. And, Sim, are you going to her website or are you headed off to France? Just asking.

Suzie Tullett said...

I'm envious too - I love all things France. A lovely review for you too, Paulita. You must feel very proud x

Sim Carter said...

Paulita I wish I was off to France but no, I just meant I was off to comment on her review. I'm sharing on FB now.

Paulita said...

Thanks. Why aren't I friends with you on Facebook? I started an author page, but I can't really tell how it's different from my regular page. I'm no good at this promoting thing. I'm going to go back to writing.

Linda said...

Great book! I promise to post on Amazon as soon as I get a chance.

Sim Carter said...

I don't know,why aren't we freinds on FB??? Were you talking to me? I'm going to find you on FB and check out your pages. I have a personal page plus a page for my real estate biz which I don't really use much these days.

Just Me said...

How cool is that.
She's you in a few more years.
Ps. I read great reviews on Amazon too.

Jeanie said...

I am so impressed! I had no idea you were an author. Bravo. And yes, it is a splendid review! Bravo.

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