Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Snapshot -- Big Spider

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post on Alyce's blog At Home With Books. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.
Two years ago, when I visited Mom and Dad in Florida, I saw a giant spider with an amazing zipper spider web.
The spider built its web just outside their screened in pool so we could keep an eye on it. It's a banana spider, but not the venomous kind that lives in South America.
Here's a photo of the spider with one of the kids' hands up to the screen so you can compare how big it is.
When I went to Florida a few weeks ago, I saw the spider's familiar web in the corner and I asked where the spider was. Mom said it had been killed by a wasp that got caught in its web. That must have been some powerful wasp.


Trish said...

What a beautiful spider! I wonder what that 'zipper' portion of its web is for?

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Awesome! Who knew a spider could be so beautiful?

Too bad about that demise, though.


Arti said...

Amazing that something being caught in a web can kill the spider. But just too bad. These are fascinating shots.

Eugenia O'Neal said...

That is truly an awesome web! She could have given Charlotte a run for her money.

Irene said...

What a great creation that spider made, and it's so big!

Sim Carter said...

How amazing! Like Trish, I wonder what the zipper-looking section is.
Really spectacular photo, Paulita. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa O. said...

I think chills ran up and down my spine when I saw that first picture!! Holy cow, what a spider! And you're right, that wasp must have been something else!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post.

Alyce said...

Wow, I've never seen a zipper web like that, but it's neat how it kind of echoes the pattern on the spider. Too bad about the death of the spider (you know, other than the fact that they terrify me and I don't want them anywhere near). :)

Brona said...

I never knew that spiders could add designs like zippers into their webs! Amazing. Great shot.

Bev Hankins said...

Wow. I have a picture almost exactly like that first one. We had one of these huge spiders on a web at the back of our house about 10-14 years ago. I have another picture of it where the yellow markings caught the flash just right and it looks electrified. Very cool!

Here's my Snapshot.

Linda said...

Webs are such amazing things. I am one of those people with a phobia of spiders. I could hardly look at the photo.

Christine Harding said...

I have never heard of a zipper spider before. The web is amazing, and the spider itself is huge - even 'big' British spiders are mere tiddlers compared to that! Thanks for visiting my post.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

WOW...that is one crazy big spider.

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