Friday, December 02, 2011

The Virtue Post

Some people use their blogs, like their Christmas newsletters, to talk about how fantastic they are. I take kind of an opposite tact on my blog, pointing out every flaw and downfall I or my children have. When Earl does something embarrassing, he looks at me and says, "You're going to put that on your blog aren't you?" I like to think of the blog as self deprecating.
Last week when I wrote about my selfishness, that same husband of mine said I was too hard on myself. So I promised to write about a virtue. And here it is: The Virtue Post.
I teach college, so I have a lot of opportunities to influence young minds. I teach at an inner city college, so most of the students have life experiences that I could never dream of. One thing I do is try to convince the students that with education comes responsibility. I give them extra credit if they vote in elections.
This year, using an idea I got from another blogger, Peppermint PhD, who also teaches college, I offered my students extra credit if they brought in two non-perishable items to donate.
This is what I ended up with.

I drove to Mid-Ohio Food Bank today and donated the mostly canned food.

The guy said we turned in 42 pounds of food. I'm not sure if that's a good number or not, but it gives me something to try to beat next time.
The Mid-Ohio Food Bank has a huge warehouse. It's sad to imagine how many needy families need extra food, especially during the holidays when kids can't get meals at school.
I hope you'll consider donating too.


Delana@dujour said...

good girl. Life is about you need to write more virtue posts! I just donated my food last week. And I probably will again next week. I may not have a whole lot but I've never gone hungry and can't imagine what that would be like.

BFF said...

I read a story about migrant children and inner city kids who save half their free lunches and breakfasts to take home to share with their families. It made me cry. The wealthiest nation in the world and we are too stingy to feed our poor, sick and vulnerable. Luckily, Kim karma shin doesn't have to return her wedding gifts. Perverse

Linda said...

Good for you. It's incredible how many people need food these days. You had a great idea.

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